Physics Education & Training

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Physics Education & Training

The Physics Department has continuous, extensive involvement in teaching and training activities. This involves teaching undergraduate and post graduate courses in both Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin. We also teach part of the Specialist Registrars Training Programme provided in the St. Luke's Radiation Oncology Network.

Modules are given in radiation physics and medical physics to students in a range of disciplines including physics, oncology nursing, therapeutic radiography, nuclear medicine and the physical sciences in medicine.

The department also organises and runs courses in radiation protection for hospital staff.

There are three trainees in St. Luke's as part of the National Radiotherapy Physics Training Programme initiated by the HSE in 2008.

Staff are actively involved in seeking CAMPEP accreditation for the training programme.

There are a number of postgraduate students working in the department. The training programme for medical physicists is a vital part of the remit of the department.

We contribute significantly to the provision of suitably qualified personnel for the development of radiotherapy services in the country.

Physics Research and Development

The Physics Department has an active R&D programme - this includes research links to other departments and institutions.

Research and development projects include areas such as treatment delivery, treatment planning, dosimetry*, new treatment techniques, imaging, and equipment reliability and performance.

There are a number of MSc and PhD projects being supervised by department staff in collaboration with Trinity College, Dublin, and The School of Physics at University College, Dublin.

The Physics Department has research and development links with Sweden, Austria and a number of equipment manufacturers.

*Dosimetry is the accurate measurement of doses, especially of radiation.