Radiotherapy - FAQs

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Radiotherapy - FAQs

Does receiving Radiotherapy hurt. Will I feel anything?

No it does not hurt and you don't feel anything. You must stay very still but you can breathe normally.

Will I lose my hair?

If you are being treated to the head area then you will lose your hair. If you are being treated to another area of your body then you will not lose your hair.

Do my family/friends have to stay away from me once I've had treatment?

No you can mix freely with other people. You do not become Radioactive.

I have a pregnant family member/friend is it safe for me to be near them?

Yes it is perfectly safe for you to be near pregnant people.

How long will it take each day?

Your treatment takes approximately between 10 and 30 minutes each day depending on your plan. This will be explained to you on your first day.

How often do I have the treatment?

Radiotherapy is generally given Monday to Friday each week for the duration of your treatment. Occasionally there may be exceptions to this where treatment can be given once or twice a week instead.

Who gives me my appointments?

The Radiation Therapists on the unit make all the appointments for treatment in consultation with the patient .

Do you work on bank holidays?

No there is no routine treatment on Bank holidays except for Emergency cases.

Can I miss a treatment for family event or other appointments?

Should you wish to miss a treatment you must discuss this with your medical team.