Mould Room
Some patients having radiotherapy will need an individualised immobilisation device made to allow them to remain as still as possible during simulation and treatment.
This is usually the case for patients having treatment to the head and neck; these patients have a customised mask made that fits over their head and sometimes shoulders.
Some patients who are having treatment to the head and neck will have an individual stent (mouth bite) made prior to treatment, as well as an immobilisation device.
The stent is made of a plastic type material in the Dental Hospital or the Rathgar centre depending on the complexity of the mouth bite needed and is placed in the mouth prior to simulation and each radiotherapy treatment.
It usually pushes the tongue or roof of the mouth (palate) away from the radiation in order to reduce the risk of side effects.
If you require a stent or mouth bite, your medical team will discuss it with you in advance.
Vac Bag
Another type of immobilisation device is a Vac Bag. This is a beanbag that is placed underneath or around the patient. Once they are comfortable and in the correct position for treatment, the air is sucked out of the bag to set it in place. This may be made in the mould room or at simulation.